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Organ Music Inspired by Tiffany

Church Preludes, Postludes & Wedding Music

The Tiffany windows in Dubuque, Iowa inspired Nancy to compose this group of organ pieces. She shares some of her compositions with you via ePrint and you can purchase the entire group OR individual pieces.  When you choose a title, and click on its link to JW Pepper, you will receive the opportunity to purchase the piece and print it at your home or church.  THAT way, you save the shipping costs and you have the piece, and you can immediately begin playing it.

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Through The Windows

All Eight Medium-Advanced Pieces

This stunning collection of 8 short pieces is ‘art imitating art’. Each piece is an impression of a Tiffany stained glass window, and can be used as Preludes and Postludes, and some for wedding repertoire. Pictures of the beautiful windows are included in this must-have collection of organ gems.

Job's Patience

Medium Advanced

This piece is a bit austere, composed to depict Job himself, in his deep sorrow. The piece features a stunning pedal solo, with many leaps and 4-note chords (2 notes for each foot!) and ends with an impressive full organ sound.

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Among the Lilies


This lovely piece is suitable for a Prelude or Offertory, and would make a beautiful wedding prelude selection or recital piece. This piece makes you feel as though you are in the field of lilies, seeing their delicate flowers, the plants woven together in harmony.

Organ Music Inspired by Tiffany

Church Preludes, Postludes & Wedding Music

The Tiffany windows in Dubuque, Iowa inspired Nancy to compose this group of organ pieces. She shares some of her compositions with you via ePrint and you can purchase the entire group OR individual pieces.  When you choose a title, and click on its link to JW Pepper, you will receive the opportunity to purchase the piece and print it at your home or church.  THAT way, you save the shipping costs and you have the piece, and you can immediately begin playing it.

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King David


King David is a vibrant piece, matching the vibrant colors of the window it is written about and showcases the themes of majesty, bravery and honor. Perfect for a recital opener, Prelude or Postlude!

Water of Life


In Water of Life, you hear the movement of the water of its matching stained glass window, as Jesus is baptized by his cousin John. The moving triplets are featured in the left hand, as an undercurrent to a beautiful melody telling the story of the baptism. This piece is the perfect Offertory and would work well as part of a Celebration of Life prelude.

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Good Shepherd, Lead Us


Good Shepherd, Lead Us is a contemplative organ piece about a beautiful Tiffany stained glass window that takes you down a contemplative, wooded path where Jesus is walking, inviting you to join him. It's perfect for an Offertory or Celebration of Life Prelude piece, or anytime you need to create a quiet mood.

Organ Music Inspired by Tiffany

Church Preludes, Postludes & Wedding Music

The Tiffany windows in Dubuque, Iowa inspired Nancy to compose this group of organ pieces. She shares some of her compositions with you via ePrint and you can purchase the entire group OR individual pieces.  When you choose a title, and click on its link to JW Pepper, you will receive the opportunity to purchase the piece and print it at your home or church.  THAT way, you save the shipping costs and you have the piece, and you can immediately begin playing it.

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To Heaven in Glory


To Heaven in Glory is a magnificent and uplifting organ piece featuring upward motion scales and a powerful organ registration to simulate Christ’s ascension into heaven. This piece would be a stunning Prelude, Postlude, Recessional, or recital selection.

Lullaby for the Children


Lullaby for the Children is a lovely Offertory piece written for the Jesus and the Children Tiffany window (picture included). Jesus calls the children to him in this soaring sweet melody on two quiet stops of the organ.

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Christ in Victory


Christ in Victory musically depicts the resurrection of Christ with powerful chords and the full power of the organ. A thrilling piece for a Postlude or Recessional, featuring the trumpet stop and fun foot work.

Organ Music

Church Preludes, Postludes & Hymn Accompaniments

Award-winning composer Nancy Woodin has been head-organist in a large, Iowa church and the tour accompanist for the University of Dubuque Concert Choir.  She shares some of her compositions with you via ePrint.  When you choose a title, and click on its link to JW Pepper, you will receive the opportunity to purchase the piece and print it at your home or church.  THAT way, you save the shipping costs and you have the piece, and you can immediately begin playing it.

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Entrance of Kings

Medium Advanced

This versatile piece can be used as a fanfare, bridal entrance or as a festival piece (think Palm Sunday or Easter). It would also make a very nice opening of a recital.

Use a robust and full registration to begin, adding the 8’ trumpet stop where indicated. You could give the organ trumpet part to your trumpet soloist (m. 12-15 and 20-27) For a separate trumpet part, email Nancy:

Psalm 121

Medium Advanced

The piece Psalm 121 sparkles at the beginning with the use of the organ’s cymbalstern, and depicts the majesty of God’s creation of Earth. Both hands play in octaves on the great and choir manuals, to bring strength to the opening. In the center of the piece, a beautiful melody begins on the Swell, and in the recap, the Swell reed is added. The piece changes direction and the right hand moves back to the Great to build toward a big finish. The crescendo pedal and sforzando stop add the right amount of strength of sound and the pedal adds a great discord resolving at the last majestic chord.

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Proclaim Christ's Glory


Proclaim Christ’s Glory is a fantasy on the hymn tune, “O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing” written in 1739 by Charles Wesley. The hymn is a common meter tune, written by Carl Glaser and arranged by Lowell Mason in the 1800s, called AZMON.

The fantasy begins with upward, fast 16th note passages, lifting the player and listener to higher ground. There are 3 verses contained in the fantasy, in which the congregation could  sing along, or it can be played as an organ solo. The final verse is played fortissimo, rising higher with the addition of the sforzando for the last phrase, sweeping the congregation into a joyous ending.

Organ Music

Church Preludes, Postludes & Hymn Accompaniments

Award-winning composer Nancy Woodin has been head-organist in a large, Iowa church and the tour accompanist for the University of Dubuque Concert Choir.  She shares some of her compositions with you via ePrint.  When you choose a title, and click on its link to JW Pepper, you will receive the opportunity to purchase the piece and print it at your home or church.  THAT way, you save the shipping costs and you have the piece, and you can immediately begin playing it.

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Faithful Servant

This vibrant piece can be used as a festival piece or bridal recessional. It would also make a great recital piece. 
Use a robust and full registration to begin, move to the Choir as indicated, then back to the Great for a big finish, adding the sforzando on the final chord.

Ragtime Dance For Four Feet

The organ isn’t just for church music! It’s for recitals, too, and this piece makes a big splash as a recital closer! Scored for two organists, it’s a delightful arrangement of that ragtime classic, Ragtime Dance by Scott Joplin. As organists are versatile with all four of their appendages, this piece will not disappoint any organist, as both feet and both hands are required!
Use a full pedal registration for maximum ear coverage!

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Alleluia, Shout AMEN!

Alleluia, Shout AMEN! is a great celebration piece that can be used for any festival - and Easter, Eastertide, too. It would be a fun recital piece! This is 7-½ pages of sheer fun, including the cymbalstern, if you have one!

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